Snap: Burning bushes, but no God

news-burningbushesA Charlottesville firefighter extinguishes the blaze.

While there were several burning bushes downtown Sunday at 3:26pm, God didn't appear (at least not in any obvious way). The May 9 incident destroyed an approximately 20-foot swath of evergreens between parking lots for the Citizens Commonwealth Center and the Omni hotel. There were no injuries, though at least one car might need a repainted hood.

Read more on: brush fire


I'm positive God caused the bushes to burn. Prove me wrong.

YOU prove that God caused the bushes to burn.

God told me he burned them. And thus it was. That is all the proof people need.

Magnificent site, I haven't noticed before in my searches

twisted brains think alike:
I apologise, but, in my opinion, you are not right. I am assured. Write to me in PM, we will discuss.