Snap: BB delivers coal to UVA

news-buckinghambranchdeliverscoalIn a time-honored, if not always eco-friendly Charlottesville operation, a Buckingham Branch train over Main and 14th Streets backs into UVA's heating plant to deliver some fossil fuel at 8:12am on Friday, October 30.

Read more on: uva heating plant


Why is someone skeptical about whether any currently available "alternative" energy source automatically threatened? I can think of a lot of adjectives (practical, reasonable, informed) to describe a person unsure if any of them can generate the amount of power to which we're accustomed. "Threatened" would be way down that list.

But I'm glad we're looking for any possible alternative.

Doug, no sense arguing with someone (Mr. Cross) who doesn't even know the purpose for UVa's coal burning facility. However, I will say I have zero respect for anyone who thinks it's ok to destroy Virginia's mountains for any natural resource. Clearly, he's never seen what it looks like after the mining has begun. Tom, do you feel threatened by alternative energy sources?

Why in God's name does U.Va. still have a coal-fired plant? Are we supporting mountaintop removal and acid rain with our son's tuition?

You're right Doug; I don't know why we can't just provide for the student's electrical needs from a wind and solar plant located on your property. I'm sure that would allow them to run a few laptops.