Mint Springs beach

news-mintspringsvalleyparkbeach Ever wonder what Mint Springs Valley Park's sand beach looks like from a clearing in the woods just below the summit of Bucks Elbow Mountain on a muggy summer Saturday when the Park temperature is around 90? Well, now you can end your wondering. Photo shot at 2:01pm August 15.


Several migrating warblers have already arrived. Keep your eyes and ears open for a real treat.
August 10
Blackburnian Warbler Dendroica fusca

August 14
Canada Warbler Wilsonia canadensis
August 2
Blackpoll Warbler Dendroica striata

this trail would be an excellent place for a cross country MS ride.

This hiking trail is a well kept secret. Wonderful solitary place to observe all kinds of birds, butterflies, wildflowers, huge trees and yes wonderful views. And in summer take a water bottle and delicious snack so you can hang out and relax.

Cool weather and Fall are a comin', the birds will be flying south, and this is a wonderful place to spot Fall Migrants --just get a good pair of binoculars and head for the trail. Here's a list of what to look for. If you've never seen a warbler this is a wonderful place to spot them and they're gorgeous !