Snap o' the Day: Pothole fillin' at Amtrak

"All we're doing is filling potholes and grading," says real estate broker Charlie Kabbash of this heavy machine-powered activity, seen here around 9am March 6, at the oft-dusty Amtrak station parking lot. "We do that every spring," says Kabbash. Come fall, this will become a busier (and perhaps dustier) place due to a new train.


Aww, no more potholes?

Dear Mr. Kabbash, your maintenance of this parking lot is criminal for a Mass Transit depot. Would it kill you to fill in the large pot holes during the winter with a truckload of gravel. If I were Wild Wings it would be a major bone of contention that an urban parking lot be allowed to be so infrequently maintained.

I'm sure there is some reason you have not paved it like anyone else would do. Somehow it will turn out the city is a fault.

It should be paved in the first place, but to charge for parking when the lot is kept in suck poor condition. I'm going to charge the owner for the cost of replacing my car's suspension. What a nimrod...