Snap: Landmark shell, the new crane, and distant Wintergreen

A January 21 view of the Landmark hotelus interuptus, the new crane building Waterhouse, and (if you click on the pic) the snowy slopes of Wintergreen ski resort off in the distance. Ski resorts must be doing well this season because temperatures–- with the possible exception of February 2 when the temperature at the airport reached a balmy 66 degrees–- have remained cooler than usual. By contrast, Friday's forecast calls for a high of 47 with a 100% chance of rain in the late evening.


No more hi-res photos?

Sorry about that, Jim. We're just learning a new system, and the image should be high-rez now. Give it another try please!--hawes

Wow what a fabulous photo. The light is beautiful, and the contrast of colors with the blue snowy ridges in the distance. These pics are my favorite treat on the web-site - thanks

Looks good! Glad that wasn't permanent.

Is that Russia I see over there?