The Great Wave off Avon Street

A graffiti artist has transformed one of the abutments of the old Belmont Bridge into an updated rendition of "The Great Wave off Kanagawa," the most famous print by 18th and 19th Century Japanese artist Katsushika Hokusai.

Read more on: sendai earthquaketsunami


that is some impressive artwork.


Gorgeous!! I'm going to go see it on my way home today...

I hope they got a permit from the city or they may get cited..... Looks nice and we need more FREE "Art in Place"

I would personally like to see the city support this kind of art in place. We have a lot of boring walls that could be made interesting.

@Elvis - That location is one of the "Free Graffiti Walls" in Charlottesville. It's nice to see it put to good use.

Fabulous ! This artist is going places --thanks for the gift .

Thats far out Man!

Does anyone know which elementary school group did this? It's a shame the Hook didn't both to credit them. I'm sure they and their teacher would enjoy their few minutes of fame.

-bother I meant

If the "Eyesore Hotel" downtown had walls it would be a natural for a free "art n place" area.

that is aweful, some of the worst graffiti "art" I have ever seen. Looks even worse in person.

thanks everybody!!!!