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Sergeant: envelope and cylinder created bomb threat

by Hawes Spencer
published 9:44am Tuesday Mar 27, 2007
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“We are involved in a bomb threat this morning,” says County spokesperson Lee Catlin, who hastily convened a press conference after “suspicious circumstances” at Henley Middle and Brownsville Elementary disrupted the academic day.

Albemarle police Sergeant Scott Cox escorted media over to the nearby Moose Lodge and revealed that the two things found around 7:15 this morning were an envelope and a cylinder. The state bomb squad and the FBI have been summoned.

Catlin urges parents to keep Henley and Brownsville students home if they haven’t already gone to school or to retrieve them from the spot where they’ve been diverted, Western Albemarle High School. She says that classes for Western students are ongoing until further notice.


1 comment

  • cvillenews.com » Blog Archive » Police Blow Up Envelope, Cylinder March 27th, 2007 | 9:27 pm

    [...] Janitors discovered an envelope and a “cylinder” at Henley and Brownsville this morning, the middle school and elementary school separated by a parking lot in Crozet, across from the street from WAHS. (Which is confusing. Were they in the parking lot between the two? Was the envelope at one school and the cylinder at another?) They contacted police, who got the bomb squad and the FBI involved. Parents were asked to keep students at home, and those kids who had already showed up were ushered over to WAHS. Late this morning the bomb squad did what comes naturally to them: they blew up said envelope and cylinder. [...]

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