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Farewell, Carol Whitehead

by Courteney Stuart
published 2:43pm Thursday Jun 4, 2009
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cover-whitehead-nowCarol Whitehead, wife of Rutherford Institute founder and constitutional scholar John Whitehead, died suddenly on Wednesday, June 3 at age 60. The cause of her death is not yet known.

The couple, married 42 years, co-founded the Rutherford Institute 27 years ago, according to a release from the Institute following her death. The release credits Carol for being the “heart” of the Institute and for quietly shaping nearly all of her husband’s public accomplishments.

In 2004, the couple related the tale of their courtship for the Hook’s wedding issue.

In addition to her work for the Institute and her role as mother of five and grandmother of two, “She was one of the nicest and kindest people I knew,” says Coy Barefoot, WINA radio host and director of communications for the Sorensen Institute for Political Leadership.

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