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Time of the signs, part II

by Hawes Spencer
published 10:10pm Tuesday Aug 4, 2009
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Who knew that realtors had a special law against them and their sign-happy syndrome?

  • travel lite August 5th, 2009 | 8:40 pm

    They broke a gas line! one of em pushed that little sign in the ground so hard they broke a gas line! HA

  • Cville Eye August 5th, 2009 | 10:58 pm

    Really? It said the line was two inches below ground. Does anyone want a gas line two inches below ground with walls so thin that somebody can push the small legs of a realtors sign and cause a puncture? I’m surprised that neighborhood hadn’t blown up a long time ago. That is, if the story is true and not just a way of discouraging real estate agents from placing their signs near the front of the property to be seen. Oh, these tight spincters and their hatred of signs. They obviously have no life and are probably mentally ill to boot.

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