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Schools get Energy Star rating

by Courteney Stuart
published 7:05pm Wednesday Aug 19, 2009
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news-energystar-schoolsFive Charlottesville City schools have received an Energy Star designation from the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. Johnson, Jackson-Via, Venable, Burnley-Moran and Clarke elementary schools have already received their designation and plaques; applications from Greenbrier Elementary and Charlottesville High School are still being processed, according to a press release.

To win an Energy Star rating, a building’s energy performance must in the top 25 percent of buildings nationwide. Charlottesville’s schools are among 38 schools in the state that have received the designation. In the last several years, all city schools have implemented tracking of their utility costs; swapped out old bulbs for energy-saving lighting fixtures and low wattage lighting; and installed  low-flow and automatic flush valves, among other energy efforts.


  • winer August 20th, 2009 | 12:47 pm

    Good for the school’s but maybe they should focus more on the student’s ability to pass required objectives, it is my understanding cville school failed to be accredited on the latest go round.

  • travel lite August 20th, 2009 | 5:20 pm

    This is great! The schools are not wasting our tax dollars paying the electric bill. wonderfull. How cool would it be if we could all work together and make Charlottesville as green if not greener then Austin, TX. What would be rather interesting would be the flip side of the climate. Then when I read a green building book it wouldn’t bang me in the head with more huge rain barrel the better.

  • Joe Blue August 21st, 2009 | 8:45 am

    so we spend 100’s of thousands of dollars to save $1,000 bucks in energy. sound like government at its best. let us see what rabbit the county’s environmental compliance managers pull out of their hats!

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