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Racy City speeding PSA gets Savvy

by Dave McNair
published 11:19am Thursday Nov 5, 2009
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savvyThe City’s mar-com department has won a Savvy Award from the City-County Communications & Marketing Association for a Public Service Announcement discouraging residential speeding, which asks citizens to “help keep Charlottesville residential roads safe.” Coincidently, the award comes just days after the city released a police video of an 85mph chase down a residential road, which resulted in a stolen car scalping the roof off a house on Rugby Road.

Using City staff as extras, Bagby’s on the Mall as the location, and titled “The Break Up,” the PSA features an attractive blond who “feels confined” in her relationship breaking up with…well, you’ll have to watch the PSA. At Monday’s City Council meeting, Mayor Dave Norris acknowledged the award, saying, “We have some very creative people in our communications department.”

1 comment

  • Citizen November 5th, 2009 | 6:20 pm

    Creative is not what I would call this. Sexist would be a better description.

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