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New twist: Germans press for Soering release

by Hawes Spencer
published 4:06pm Friday Mar 19, 2010
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Rex Bowman of the Roanoke Times has the story of the German embassy’s quest to bring home Jens Soering, the UVA Echols Scholar convicted of double murder in 1990.


  • Col. Forbin March 19th, 2010 | 7:20 pm


  • Nancy March 19th, 2010 | 7:42 pm

    This is an interesting question of law, that I predict will end up in the Supreme Court. What I still do not understand, is why Kaine- who I believe, would someday, like to seek higher office, did this. He may look back on the trusted advisor that counseled him to do this and realize; he made a mistake, just as Clinton did, when he pardoned Mark Rich.

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