September 19th, 2013 issue #1238

September 19th, 2013
  • Life and death: A child's-eye view of Jim Crow Charlottesville

    The headlines in the Daily Progress that September described a world that was as distant as the moon to the boys who slept and woke on Dice Street. “France Prepares for War Threats,” one read; in Germany, Hitler joined “50,000 disciplined youths” at the annual Nuremberg Rally and watched as hundreds of artillery units and tanks streamed past the reviewing stand and the Hindenburg hovered overhead.

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4Better Or Worse

  • The week in review

    Biggest box: The Albemarle Board of Supervisors okays a 155,000-square-foot Costco at Stonefield in a 4-2 vote, with Ken Boyd and Petie Craddock voting against. Costco th...

The Dish


Real Estate - On the Block

Real Estate Property auctions

  • Property auctions

    September 25 at 1:45pm at Albemarle CourthouseProperty: 1080 Dry Bridge Road Debtor: John Percy Whiting Original amount owing: $147,500 Bidder brings: $10,000 or 10 percen...

Movie Reviews


  • Table of contents

    COVERRemembering Jim CrowAs a boy growing up on Dice Street in Depression-era Charlottesville, Eugene Williams felt the pain of segregation and racism. A family tragedy com...


Cultural preview