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Family Outing Ideas
  • GermanFest

    [ September 25, 2010; 10:00 am to 6:00 pm.
    10:00 am to 6:00 pm.

    Shenandoah Germanic Heritage Museum (SGHM) hosts GermanFest, an Oktoberfest-like festival featuring children’s activities; re-enactors from the Revolutionary, Civil, and French and Indian Wars; arts and crafts vendors with period craft demonstrations; authentic German and American food; and a beer and wine garden. Non-stop live entertainment includes the United States Army Old Guard Fife and [...]

Man of Mystery

by Linda Kobert

img_0991Rob Craighurst.
PHOTO BY Linda Kobert

Downtown denizens who stroll the bricks on a warm weekend evening may have noticed a new addition to the parade of characters haunting the Mall recently. Tall and lean, sporting a grey mustache and spectacles, and clad in a turn-of-the-century cutaway and top hat, Rob Craighurst is exactly the sort of person one would expect to be luring folks into murder and intrigue.

Every Thursday, Friday, and Saturday evening from April through October, Craighurst leads whoever shows up at 8pm in front of Marco and Luca Dumpling Shop on a two-hour, one-mile ramble through the century-old mystery of the most famous murder in Charlottesville history. Stepping back in time, he unwinds the tale of Fannie McCue, wife of former mayor and prominent lawyer Sam McCue, who was murdered in the couple’s Park Street home on the night of September 4, 1904.

“I love storytelling,” Craighurst said, “and the murder of the mayor’s wife is just an amazing story.”

The journey, which is wheelchair accessible and appropriate for mystery-lovers of all ages, includes stops at several sites significant to the story, and refers to one of the most complete accounts of the tale that appeared in the Hook in 2003.

Tour goers who pay the $10 fee (kids are $5) will hear about the old First Presbyterian Church whose Sunday night service the McCues attended just prior to the fateful event. The tour moves on to Court Square where Sam’s illicit lover lived, to the Albemarle Courthouse where Sam was tried for the murder, to the old County Jail where Sam was held and eventually executed, and to the former McCue house at 601 Park Street, which now stands empty and suitably spooky.

Along the way, Craighurst peppers his spiel with other eerie anecdotes. He talks, for example, of strange apparitions at UVA’s Pavilion X and Ash Lawn/Highland, tales that officials at these historic homes don’t want to talk about.

“Rob has really done his research,” said fellow tour guide Gayle Floyd. Floyd, who led tours in Washington, D.C. for many years and now works at Monticello, celebrated her 65th birthday by inviting all her friends along on Craighurst’s tour. “We had lots of fun. The whole murder is fascinating. It’s just a fun and interesting part of Charlottesville history.”

Craighurst developed his business, Tell Me About It Tours, four years ago after visiting Savannah, Georgia where he and his wife Sue Berres participated in one of the old Southern city’s many ghost tours.

Still searching, at the age of 59, for what he wants to be when he grows up, Craighurst was looking around for a new occupational diversion.

“I personally have never knowingly experienced a ghost,” Craighurst said, “but there are lots of things that I can’t explain. I just tell the stories. People can decide for themselves whether they believe in ghosts or not.”

One If By Land

July 28, 2009 6:00 pm
$10 children/$15 adults

Ash Lawn-Highland
PHOTO BY Tony the Misfit - Flickr

Modern folks ages 8-adult can design and create your own hand-punched lantern in a hands-on craft workshop at Ash Lawn-Highland, the historic home of President James Monroe. Workshop fee includes a guided tour of the beautiful Monroe home and time to explore the farm buildings and meet the animals. Bring a lunch and picnic in the gardens. Reservations are required. 1000 James Monroe Parkway. 293-8000.

Fun and Games 1800s Style

July 21, 2009 5:00 pm
$10 children/$15 adults

Ash Lawn-Highland
PHOTO BY Tony the Misfit - Flickr

Modern folks can learn the games that President James Monroe and his family played, such as dominoes, graces, quoits, card games, and more at a hands-on craft workshop at Ash Lawn-Highland. Workshop fee includes a guided tour of the beautiful Monroe home and time to explore the farm buildings and meet the animals. Bring a lunch and picnic in the gardens. Reservations are required. 1000 James Monroe Parkway. 293-8000.

Spiders, Cranes and Bails

July 14, 2009 5:00 pm
$10 children/$15 adults

Ash Lawn-Highland
PHOTO BY Tony the Misfit - Flickr

Modern folks ages 8-adult can learn the art of 18th century open hearth cooking at Ash Lawn-Highland, the historic home of President James Monroe. Workshop fee includes a guided tour of the beautiful Monroe home and time to explore the farm buildings and meet the animals. Bring a lunch and picnic in the gardens. Reservations are required. 1000 James Monroe Parkway. 293-8000.

Happy Birthday, Mrs. Monroe

June 30, 2009 1:00 pm

Elizabeth Monroe
© 2009, The National First Ladies’ Library

Ash Lawn-Highland celebrates the life and legacy of Mrs. Elizabeth Monroe on the 241th anniversary of her birth. Guests to the historic home of James and Elizabeth Monroe can meet the former first lady, portrayed by Evelyn Duke. The party also includes a tour of the house and grounds where participants can view a replica of the ball gown Mrs. Monroe wore when she and Mr. Monroe visited Napoleon’s court. 1000 James Monroe Parkway. 293-9539.

Fun in Fluvanna

July 11, 2009 1:00 pm
Ride tickets $1 each, 3-5 tickets per ride

Ferris wheel
PHOTO BY Miss Turner - Flickr

Fluvanna County Parks & Recreation hosts four days of carnival fun with more than 14 rides for children and adults and a midway filled with game and food vendors. Pleasant Grove Park in Fluvanna County. 1730 Thomas Jefferson Parkway (Rt. 53 past Lake Monticello) in Palmyra. 842-3150.

Art in Motion

July 7, 2009 2:00 pm

jmrl-kids-summer2009Young artists ages 7-12 can create a fantastic summer mobile with artist Stefanie Newman at Scottsville Library. 330 Bird St. 286-3541.

Get Slimed

July 10, 2009 2:00 pm

PHOTO BY Steve Jurvetson - Flickr

Kids entering grades 1 and up can get all ooey and gooey at a slimy science workshop at Northside Library. Young scientists will explore the world of polymers and the chemical reactions used to create them, and each child will make a cup of slime. Don’t worry—we supply the lids! Registration is required. Albemarle Square. 973-7893.

July 23, 2009 2:00 pm

Chester the Crab
Cartoon by Bentley Boyd

Kids ages 8-12 can learn the basics of crafting cartoons in an interactive workshop with Bentley Boyd at Gordon Avenue Library. Registration is required. 1500 Gordon Avenue. 296-5544.


July 16, 2009 4:00 pm

Megan Hicks
Publicity photo

Fun-loving Megan Hicks lets kids ages 7 and up get creative with kitchen chemistry at Gordon Avenue Library. Accompanied by stories, songs, and poems, this program is guaranteed to make you grin and groan. Registration is required. 1500 Gordon Avenue. 296-5544.

Super Summer Reading Wrap-Up

July 28, 2009 7:00 pm

PHOTO BY lilivanili - flickr

Young readers are invited to come to Crozet Library for the grand finale of the Summer Reading Program to celebrate all of the super-wonderful reading we did this summer. You will be able to hang out with your reading friends, enjoy some delicious ice cream, and meet our special library guest - the always lovable and fun Biscuit. 5791 Three Notch’d Rd. 823-5040.

Found Art

July 20, 2009 2:00 pm

Sunshine sculpture
PHOTO BY Bill Hess

Young artists ages 8 and up can transform “rescued” material into your own “found art “ masterpiece with artist and designer Bill Hess of Ideas on Legs. Bring a small bag of clean throwaways, recyclables, or other stuff that might normally go into the garbage and put them all together to create a work of art at Crozet Library. Paper, glue, and other binding materials will be provided. Registration is required. 5791 Three Notch’d Rd. 823-5040.

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