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Family Outing Ideas
  • Animals in Winter

    [ January 17, 2010; 2:00 pm;
    2:00 pm;

    Bird in winter.
    PHOTO BY Mike Baird - Flickr

    Nicol Butters tells nature stories to toddlers, then helps them make tree decorations for the birds at Ivy Creek Natural Area. After making popcorn strings and peanut butter cones, they’ll trim the trees around the Education Center with them. Meet in the Education Center. 1776 Earlysville Rd. [...]

Hike with Bears

April 18, 2009 9:30 am

Bear on the Rivanna Trails.
PHOTO courtesy RTF

Kids of all ages can celebrate Earth Day and bring their favorite stuffed friend on an “urban wilderness” hiking adventure with the Rivanna Trail Foundation. Discover how trees protect our local streams, provide habitat for real wildlife, and beautify our local community. See first-hand how our trails and streams twist alongside and under bridges, roads, and buildings. Meet at the CVS in Barracks Road Shopping Center, and be prepared to hike two miles on a rustic dirt path to the Senior Center located at the corner of Greenbrier Drive and Pepsi Place. Retrace your steps along the trail for an additional two miles, ride the Route 7 CTS bus back to your starting point (75 cents/person), or arrange with a friend to do a “car shuttle.” Bring water and a snack. Wear closed toed shoes. Held rain or shine. For more information, please contact Diana Foster at 964-1022 or [email protected].

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