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Family Outing Ideas
  • Holiday Evening Tours at Monticello

    [ December 19, 2009; 5:15 pm;
    5:15 pm;
    December 20, 2009; 5:15 pm;
    5:15 pm;
    December 21, 2009; 5:15 pm;
    5:15 pm;
    December 22, 2009; 5:15 pm;
    5:15 pm;

    PHOTO BY Tony the Misfit - Flickr

    Monticello invites visitors to climb the little mountain for an intimate look at how the holidays were celebrated in Jefferson’s time, plus the rare opportunity to experience Monticello after dark. Holiday Evening Tours feature a relaxed-pace one-hour guided excursion through the rooms on the main floor of the house, [...]

Santa Comes to Town

December 21, 2009 12:00 pm to 5:00 pm

The Jolly Old Elf
PHOTO BY Matti Mattila - Flickr

Get your wish list ready and come to the Paramount Theater when Santa comes to Downtown Charlottesville. Good girls and boys of all ages can sit on Santa’s lap, talk with Santa’s helpers, and tell the jolly old elf what you want most this year. Downtown mall. 295-9073.

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