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Family Outing Ideas
  • Sounds of the Season

    [ December 26, 2009; 4:30 pm;
    6:00 pm;
    December 27, 2009; 4:30 pm;
    Ash Lawn-Highland.
    PHOTO BY Tony the Misfit - Flickr
    Locals and their houseguests are invited to enjoy classic holiday favorites and join professional musicians in singing carols at Ash Lawn-Highland annual Sounds of the Seasons Holiday Concert. Tour of the festively decorated house is included. Reservations are recommended. 1000 James Monroe Parkway, Rt. 795. 293-9539.

Story Time for Everyone

December 21, 2009 4:00 pm
$5 for cookies; story time is free

Christmas cookies.
PHOTO BY Rochelle Hartman - Flickr

Revelers can come in out of the cold and celebrate the holidays at the Crozet Mudhouse where Chef Margot Diaz and Barista Amy Turnage spend the evening reading timeless Christmas stories and decorating cookies. Crozet Ave. 571-241-7210.

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