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CavDaily lauds Sheffield reading

by Hawes Spencer

Former Charlottesville-based rock critic Rob Sheffield, still mourning after the unexpected and way-too-young 1997 death of his wife, gave a reading last week reviewed this morning by the Cavalier Daily, which lauds “a real feel for early-90s Charlottesville, fishnet stockings and all.”

Ryan Shaw

Outback Lodge
February 22,

After several false starts, the long-awaited Van Halen reunion tour is finally happening, but unfortunately Charlottesville fans may have to wait until the next round — whenever that may be. Earlier today, a last minute cancellation was handed down from JPJ.

Rather than just crying into your beer, though, why not go to the Outback Lodge to catch opening act Ryan Shaw, a twentysomething soul revivalist of sorts?

Actually, come to think of it, you can do both!

“He came in for an interview earlier today, after the show had already been postponed, at around noon,” explains Brad Savage, the programming director of 106.1 The Corner, “and he was asking us on the air if there was someplace else he and his band could play tonight. Within a half hour, we had put it together with the Outback Lodge.”

This comes on the heels of last night’s Gravity Lounge performance by Brian Vander Ark and just a hair before the Deep Blue Something show coming up next week, both of which are also sponsored by the station.

visit Outback Lodge online

Blue Man Group

John Paul Jones Arena
February 16,

Blue Man Group augments their simplistic techno-rock with exuberant performance art — think costumed drummers banging away on pitched PVC pipes. And hey, if you like the show, you can join the ensemble, just like that nutcase from Arrested Development!

Buy tickets now
visit John Paul Jones Arena online

The Walkmen

Satellite Ballroom
March 12,

The Walkmen are a NY-based indie rock quintet and a critical favorite to say the least, thanks to albums like “Everyone Who Pretended To Like Me Is Gone” and its follow-up, “Bows+Arrows.” Happy local dudes In Technicolor open with retro pop, big smiles, and funny pants.

Buy tickets now
visit Satellite Ballroom online
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