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The Pietasters

Satellite Ballroom
April 4,

David Thorpe of Something Awful has the best take on ska music we’ve ever heard:

Q: Why do people look at me funny when I tell them I like ska?
A: Because you’re wearing a stupid f*cking checkered fedora and suspenders

Against all odds, though, The Pietasters still became an area favorite by slinging those jittery horns and jangly guitars.

The Pietasters - Don’t Wanna Know

Also featuring the Stabones, Rude Rock Family, and Horn Dawg.

Buy tickets now
visit Satellite Ballroom online

  • CornChowder April 16th, 2008 | 2:00pm

    Who doesn’t like Ska??!! I came of age during the era of the Selector, the Specials, the Equators, and Madness. You don’t have to dress silly to enjoy Ska!

  • Vijith Assar April 16th, 2008 | 5:02pm

    …but it certainly helps!

  • molokoultra April 23rd, 2008 | 9:20am

    who the hell is the music person there??? IDIOT!

  • Vijith Assar April 24th, 2008 | 2:43am

    molokoultra, you can email me at

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