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Annea Lockwood

The Bridge
March 13, 7:30pm

The Bridge once again proves itself most friendly to the wildly avant-garde of all C-ville venues (yes, including you, Tea Bazaar, sorry) by way of septuagenarian composer and Vassar contemporary electronic music professor Annea Lockwood, who did a series of works in the 60’s and 70’s which involved pianos which were (her own words here) “burned, drowned, beached, and planted in an English garden;” not entirely clear on why the particular provenance of the garden is of such importance, but there you have it. She worked heavily with environmental recordings for a period as well, but her pieces have tended in scope toward full-fledged “audio installations” of late. This more road-friendly but still wildly conceptual set for cello, tape, and voice (that’d be occasional collaborative pal Thomas Buckner) juxtaposes, among other things, one piece about the horrific camps run by Stalin and Hitler and another based on three poems written by prisoners at Guantanamo Bay.

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