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Charlottesville Mall comes to YouTube

by Hawes Spencer

news-downtownmall-rap It finally happened: somebody made a rap about the benefits of using the Downtown Mall in Charlottesville. Credit (or blame) must lie with Emily Bolecek and Arin Noble, seen here in their five-minute video.

  • Kate Casaday December 7th, 2009 | 3:57pm

    this video is dabomb.com

  • Chris C December 7th, 2009 | 5:14pm

    I am sad that I clicked on the link..

  • Gasbag Self Ordained Expert December 7th, 2009 | 5:16pm

    The portion I liked was when the girls warned pedestrians to look both ways at a crosswalk. Maybe the City of Charlottesville needs something like this instead of telling pedestrians they always have the right of way. :)

  • Mequa Shore December 7th, 2009 | 5:17pm

    I just died a little inside.

  • unemployed December 7th, 2009 | 7:08pm

    good for them… life is too short not to have fun…

  • Black2140s December 7th, 2009 | 7:33pm

    That video was so good! Those girls freaking rock. What a fun and neat “rap.” Way to go Emily and Arin!

  • seriously? December 7th, 2009 | 8:24pm

    that was four minutes and 50 seconds too long. you lost some cred by posting this, hawes spencer.

  • unemployed December 7th, 2009 | 9:19pm

    seriously: what is wrong with you? Who peed in your cheerios. Why can’t you just move on to something else and let people who know how to enjoy life enjoy it.

    Sad sad sad.

    Girls: ignore seriously. As you grow older you will find that people who didn’t have the gumption to do what you did will try and rob you of the joys of life.

    Santa is crossing seriously off the list as we speak.

  • larry the cucumber December 7th, 2009 | 10:48pm

    yo girls this rap is mad weak i spit game better than that in my sleep, i flow like woah and i eat rice, like k-nice. and dont eat the cheerios i guess this guy above me peed in them.

  • Stacey Kent December 7th, 2009 | 11:41pm

    best video ever!! thanks to arin and emily for your awesome dance moves! woo hoo!! let’s go ladies!!!!!!!

  • Tana December 8th, 2009 | 12:07am

    Cheers to you, Emily and Arin! Community spirit around the C’ville mall was the point. Some folks are clueless. As for the rest of us, LOL and applaud your imagination. The C’ville mall is a showplace worthy of rapt attention.

  • Cool Kid December 8th, 2009 | 1:50am

    Ladies, mad respect. Those are the sickest beats this town has seen since k-nice and The Blackout Project. You’ve made this city cool again, keep up the good work.

  • wigwam6 December 8th, 2009 | 10:10am

    good job.

  • LoLo December 8th, 2009 | 2:11pm

    This is so creative and funny. I love everything from the lyrics to your sweet outfits. You should make more raps about Cville!

  • Fakenamesonooneknowswhoiam December 9th, 2009 | 2:15am

    The production vaule of the “rap” (if you want to call it that) was weak sauce. The lyrics were very questionable. And while this was for a class, so none of the aforementioned really matter, it just came across middle-school-esque. I hope they got a C on this project because you can’t just rely on being cute and having boobs. And, i’m willing to say there may only be two real complimentative comments and the rest are just really sarcastic.

  • boobman December 9th, 2009 | 5:29am

    Being cute and having boobs is plentynuf in my book!

  • butternut squash December 9th, 2009 | 11:34am

    Yeah I agree fake name, brillant critique.

    This is the worst joke project ever made. If I had fun and made a project for class the production value would be superb and it would be at least high school quality.

    We got to show these girls what its like to make good funny raps, and make sure we put them them in their place, otherwise they will have too much fun.

    you larry the so called cucumber,
    Ill verbally slice you and dice you in a cup, pickle you and ferment you polish style.
    Relish your time before its up, your comments are gonna get squashed for a long while.

  • DJ K la Boss December 9th, 2009 | 11:45am

    I can’t believe so many people are even viewing this page. Much less even generating enough energy for an opinion. I’m here b/c I’m friends with the creators. What’s every one elses excuse? Spend all day reading every article and watching every video on the Hook? That’s cool…

    And by the way, I applaud the creators because they like to have fun and have a sense of humor. What jerks.

  • Roscoe P Coltrane December 9th, 2009 | 12:46pm

    Anybody that is criticising this needs to look in the mirror and ask themselves why they need to criticize others for trying to get a little enjoment out of life. Is picking on two high school girls really nice thing to do? Perhaps you could do better…. but then again you would actually have to do it in order to prove it.

    Keep up the good work girls and don’t let the naysayers bug you. The only time they will be in the paper is their foreclosure listing or domestic abuse arrest.

  • larry the cucumber December 10th, 2009 | 3:58pm

    ahhhhh this is great, a heated discussion on readthehook.com, fake name, boobman, and BUTTernut all obviously look for boobs on readthehook.com. I can guess they are uneducated, measly, douche bags, who take pleasure in making fun of a sick nasty beat with untouchable rhyms that make your hat fly off and your britches hang low. Butternut im sure there aren’t many who will butter your nuts but goodluck in the search.

  • Jerett the Carrot December 11th, 2009 | 12:14pm

    Are you allowed to say something blows on the hook? This video sucks DOOOOOOONG. Butternut Squash’s sarcasm just kinda pisses me off. I would say Fakename’s critique was spot on. And I’d say it’s clear that larry the cucumber punches puppies

  • DJ K la Boss December 11th, 2009 | 9:04pm

    i think its time some fools got brought back to earth

    Ok Larry, so you think you can rhyme?
    Get ready to get pickled in my lyrical brine
    only thing with less flava than a cucumber is you
    Those girls got flow like exlax in your digestive stew
    You know my girl Arin bout to get that vinegar dose
    turn you green and knobbly like a witches nose

    Butternut squash is just a minor league pumpkin
    Rhymes sound like a minor league country bumpkin
    Try and bite my girls beats and it’ll get real scary
    Like squash soup with no rosemary

  • vegetable platter with dip December 14th, 2009 | 2:03pm

    yo I cover our food group
    pyramid tier number two
    I ain’t no breads wheats or pastas
    i’mma flipping vegetable stew
    larry you don’t even taste good
    yo butternut - you too

    now dj k la boss, yeah
    you flow kinda sweet
    but I’mma spit mad game
    and you’re about to get beat

    cus DJ K’s a little punk, he’s sunk
    he knows nothing about nothing
    and I know how to dunk
    like swoosh, above his head - he falls to the ground
    and he ain’t commin’ back up
    he’s embarrassed, done, no he won’t make a sound.

    i’ll grind him up
    and spit him out
    yo count on that happenin’
    yeah without a doubt.

    wham. yo girls, you wanna flow with DJ - or with me?

  • DJ K la Boss December 15th, 2009 | 12:30pm

    yo dog… you didn’t have to cop that lil romeo rhyme
    sounds like a freestyle from a half brained mime
    try and apply at least some of your minimal brain matter
    and put a little meat with that vegetablke platter

    if rhymes were like dimes i’d have a whole lot
    your flow is like a drain that goes drip drip drop
    but at least you drop somethin so i’ll relax my attack
    jerret, nut and larry at home playin toe with tic tac
    get off your butts and say some constructive words
    stead of mouthin off and sounding like…. idiots

  • Meatball Sub with Provolone on Italian Herbs and Cheese December 15th, 2009 | 2:51pm

    DJ, Veggies and Larry:

    You think you got lyrics, think you got it on lock
    But I got the spirits of Biggie and Tupac
    I duck and I weave and I rhyme and I flow
    And there’s some things you two gotta know

    Your lyrics are wack and your rhymin’ is weak
    I hope your next record don’t ever get leaked
    Because if it does your careers will be over
    Unless somehow you get that luck from a clover
    But that ain’t gonna happen, it ain’t gonna go down
    So stay off the airwaves you big goofy clowns

    These chicks know how to do it, how to spit that big game
    And this downtown mall rap puts you jokers to shame
    So go back to the drawing board, go back to the map
    And don’t try to come back here til you got a real rap

  • larry the cucumber December 15th, 2009 | 10:29pm


    errybody knows ima G til i die,
    yea i smoke weed so im high as the sky,
    most of your raps sound like my moms tracks,
    and you play ball like you’ve been drinkin 6 packs,
    you suck and i rule,
    errybody thinks youre a tool,
    so shut up and go away,
    cause you got nothin good to say..

    You thought i was done but i came right back,
    i flow all day and my rhymes never lack,
    i cook you up and i eat you,
    yea DJ K you too,
    my girl arin’s on deck,
    and she knows shes on check,
    jerrett’s a carrot good thing he knows that,
    and no i dont punch puppies ive only punched a cat.

    My name is larry,
    and i love to eat dairy,
    one, two, three,
    you cannot see me,
    im out to the downtown mall,
    if you wanna rap for real just give me a call,


  • Meatball Sub with Provolone on Italian Herbs and Cheese December 16th, 2009 | 12:16pm

    Larry the Cuc you don’t know what you’re sayin’
    Cut all the BS and stop all your playin’
    You ain’t a G til you die, you just little boy blue
    you ain’t high as the sky, you just a frail-ass dude
    What you are is a vegetable down in the dirt
    So you better pick yourself up boy and do some real work

    Your mother and me we’ve been collaborating
    I don’t know why you’re doin’ all this hating
    Your mom’s tracks they be good, way better than yours
    and she’s probably calling you now to go do your little chores
    Your rhymes they do lack, they don’t really flow
    But I’m taking your mom out, so I gotta go

  • Beyoncé December 16th, 2009 | 12:31pm

    Guys, all this fightin is makin me stressed
    Your lyrics aren’t better than the girls- they were the best
    They didn’t do nothin wrong
    They just sang a nice lil song
    And now you gotta hate
    Move to the left and get GONE!

    Haters, back off.
    No one messes with Miss B. Or my girls Arin and Emily.

  • vegetable platter with dip December 16th, 2009 | 12:39pm

    you got spunk meatball sub
    but probably not in this blog reality
    cus you swore and that’s off limits
    they’ll take you down soon, the man will, you’ll see

    let’s all band together
    stop hatin on each other
    we’re all from different mothers
    but i feel like you’re all my brother

    we rhyme nice, we dis’ hard
    we the blogosphere masta’s
    ain’t no one gonna touch us bards
    we flow, we go, we move, we groove

    let’s ditch this lame fight
    get those chicks, take flight
    to another place, another race,
    where we’ll run face to face
    hand in hand, like real men
    it could even be sort of zen
    what do you say?
    maybe not today?

    but sometime!
    we gotta stop this fight time!
    we gotta be making: love, peace, joy, and sweet rhyme!

  • New Kid on the Block December 16th, 2009 | 12:57pm

    Vegetable platter, Mr. Holier than Thou,
    Why would you choose to stop all this now
    you’ve decided to be such a bore,
    not totally unexpected from a herbivore.

    Things were just getting good, and I was enjoying the chatter,
    I must ask you now, what in the world is the matter?
    I’m sure no one here means any harm,
    But, if you have a probably go back to the farm.

    We’ll stay and enjoy and show off our skills
    Until all is said and done, and we’ve all had our fills.

  • butternut squash December 16th, 2009 | 1:04pm

    the ground may be frost but for me its growing season
    yall bunch of weeds, spittin manure devoid of reason

    meat ballz, dj floss, your delicate words could be a soft ballad
    Larry’s chopped up rhymes are more bland than a mcdonalds salad

    Nuts back, cant peel me from my thick lyrical exterior
    My words will bake you puree you, boil your interiors

    Like barry sanders Im too good to stay around and linger
    Cause’ your girl’s waiting to get a taste of this sweet butterfinger

    Nutts back
    this time hes here to stay
    aint never gonna crack
    so get your S#@% out the way

  • New Kid on the Block December 16th, 2009 | 1:16pm

    Vegetable platter, Mr. Holier than Thou,
    Why would you choose to stop all this now
    you’ve decided to be such a bore,
    not totally unexpected from a herbivore.

    Things were just getting good, and I was enjoying the chatter,
    I must ask you now, what in the world is the matter?
    I’m sure no one here means any harm,
    But, if you have a problem* go back to the farm.

    We’ll stay and enjoy and show off our skills
    Until all is said and done, and we’ve all had our fills.


  • The Nutcracker and the Mouse King December 16th, 2009 | 2:16pm

    New Kid’s got chip on his shoulder
    ’cause of his grammatical mistakes he aint no attention holda
    Squash’s got chops like Kung-fu Panda
    an animated character for an elementary school gangsta
    He’s up on his throne like the Blackhawks in the central
    but he gonna fall like a teardrop from vegetable’s pupil

    Im here to represent the most classy of plays
    with lyrical snides and delicate ballets
    Ill tip toe around on jerret and larry
    Im a Cullen you’ll see, aint no werewolf fairy
    bite your lip and stare cause you cant resist
    I got too much sparkle, you know you’re in lust
    Im a hundred years old and you know what I am
    JUST SAY IT you fool, you know it aint no scam

    So all you so-called rappers, it’s on
    Team battle, tomorrow, New Moon, at dawn
    Ill take arin, emily, meatballs, and Stacey Kent
    The Boss, get your lineup and prepare to get given up for lent

  • Meatball Sub with Provolone on Italian Herbs and Cheese December 16th, 2009 | 2:40pm

    Who’s this new dude, comin’ in here
    Talkin’ “Edward Cullen” like he’s something to fear
    You can’t pick your own team, can’t even pick your own nose
    You’re actin’ all big, but everyone knows
    You’re a fool, a kid, a liar, a sham
    Tryna be big by sayin’ “you know what I am”

    But I know what you are, you small little kid
    You’re a mouse of a rapper, not even on my grid
    I don’t care about you, don’t care about your rhymes
    But I do care about the Blackhawks, how they’ve won 20 times
    But that’s not the point, that’s not the gist
    The point is that Nutcracker, you won’t be missed

    Your rhymin’ it stinks like a pile of dung
    And the only thing you should bite is that little mouse tongue
    So get out of here with this picking teams thing
    Because around here, MEATBALL SUB IS KING

  • stronglanguage... darn December 16th, 2009 | 4:00pm

    i shouldn’t post on this site cuz my rhymes are too tame
    that videos’ parallel to hell but I must maintain
    this too dangerous
    please stop emailing us
    our inbox is full up
    its held like hostages

    I run like cheetah with thoughts off an assisan
    don’t what that means but who’s askin
    beyond the walls of the downtown mall
    life is defined,
    don’t think of crime, just get in a crosswalk state of mind

    its only right that i was born to use michs
    and the stuff that I write
    is tougher than twilight
    taking this thread to a new plateau
    with rap gold
    as i rap slow
    i’m like a comm-schooler
    all money
    made without a real soul

    -strong language
    (to the beat of my song N.Y. State of Mind)

  • stronglanguage... darn December 16th, 2009 | 4:03pm

    i shouldn’t post on this site cuz my rhymes are too tame
    peoples, that post needed some made edits

    that videos’ parallel to hell but I must maintain
    this too dangerous
    please stop emailing us
    our inbox is full up
    its held like hostages

    I run like cheetah with thoughts off an assasin
    don’t know what that means but who’s askin
    beyond the walls of the downtown mall
    life is defined,
    don’t think of crime, just get in a crosswalk state of mind

    its only right that i was born to use michs
    and the stuff that I write
    is tougher than twilight
    taking this thread to a new plateau
    with rap gold
    as i rap slow
    i’m like a comm-schooler
    all money
    made without a real soul

    -strong language
    (to the beat of my song N.Y. State of Mind)

  • Kanye West December 16th, 2009 | 4:06pm

    I’ma let you all finish, but Beyonce had one of the best raps of all time, of ALL TIME!

  • DJ K la Boss December 16th, 2009 | 5:49pm

    The Nutcracker and the Mouse King just finished this thread… peaze

  • butternut squash December 16th, 2009 | 6:17pm

    DJ Floss thinks hes the boss

  • Meatball Sub with Provolone on Italian Herbs and Cheese December 17th, 2009 | 12:11am

    I don’t listen to what he says
    Cause his rhymes are worse than K-Fed’s

  • CPD December 17th, 2009 | 2:51pm

    (This one goes out to you Gasbag SOE.)

    Yo Meatball,
    They call you a sub, cause I’m gonna put you under
    You’re almost as whack as that pickled Cucumber
    I’m teasin’ my taser, and I’m ready to fire
    No push to SAVE you like ol’ McINTIRE

    You’re fleeing, you’re running. You just got shot
    You’re peeing, you’re writhing, that’s not all I got
    Bringing those weak rhymes, this means war
    I’ll put you in a wheelchair, two wheels, four

    Hit you with my cruiser, here, better have some lube
    Cause I’ma screw ya, film it, burning up Youtube
    I’m fingering the trigger, your about to get dropped
    All brought to you courtesy of your local Cop Shoppe.

  • dinosaurus rex December 18th, 2009 | 5:39pm

    to CPD, with respect:

    you’re a pig, a pork, eaten with a fork
    your rhymes are big, but they lack any torque
    expectedly you ride upon this pd power trip
    spent your whole life dreamin, dreamin to be hip
    picked on back in grade school by bullies and pricks
    now you seek revenge with yo little black stick
    but we all know the truth of that age old shtick
    compensation, for your undersized d*@k

    chasin’ down meatball, taze all you want
    sure, keep your gun, i’m in for some fun
    but ain’t no chance you rival rex on the run
    i don’t even care how much lube you use, son
    if screwin cats on youtube’s yo thing, have fun.
    i dip, i duck, i slide, i flow
    lyrically, empirically, a genuine pro
    and right when you think my work here is over
    rear-naked choke alluponya like a dover

    so please, cpd, recognize your actions
    meatball in a wheelchair is hardly satisfaction
    i’ve seen him ride, i’ve seen him roll
    he’ll beat your @ss cruisin on a donut stroll

  • vegetable platter with dip December 18th, 2009 | 6:07pm

    seriously? we’re still doing this. I got tired of it a week ago.


  • dinosaurus rex December 19th, 2009 | 12:18am

    seriously, veggie, we’re still doing this
    but larry’s mom called, and offered a dis:

    “i heard of a boy that comes from the earth
    lives in the ground, the place of his birth
    he claims he can dunk, but look at his height
    talk talk dribble dribble, yeah right
    someone set that tier-two-food right”

    his love, his peace, his joy, his rhyme
    sir English dubbed it’s nothing but grime
    veggie can’t save it, not even with thyme
    out the door veggie, girls are all mine

    seems to be a pose
    i hear nothin’ but prose

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