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Cry of the Mountain

July 22, 8:00pm


In the summer of 2009, Adelind Horan interviewed Appalachian mining company executives, environmentalists who were protesting mining operations known as mountaintop removal, and people whose families have worked in mining for 20 years. In the one-woman play Cry of the Mountain, written and preformed by Horan, she portrays thirteen of these people telling the story of mountaintop removal in the words of the people who are directly involved in the process. Whole Theatre presents the documentary play every Thursday in July at various local theaters. The performance will be followed by a talkback with Horan and a mining expert for a discussion of the play, the process, and the cause. A portion of the proceeds will benefit groups working to stop mountaintop removal.

  • July 1 - Live Arts
  • July 8 - Four County Players
  • July 15 - The Hamner Theatre
  • July 22 - Live Arts
  • July 29 - Play On! Theatre
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