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Derek Trucks

Old Cabell Hall
November 10, 8:00pm

As almost everyone knows, slide guitar wild man Derek Trucks was a child prodigy, and his uncle Butch was able to leverage his position as drummer for the Allmans to get the kid an early break. But Trucks, now 30, has aged remarkably well, as evidenced by his the superb 2006 album Songlines and his show-stealing work as part of Eric Clapton’s touring band, and he can now seemingly play everything from roots-rock to jazz to ragas.

buy tickets online
visit Old Cabell Hall online
listen to more Derek Trucks at the Hype Machine

  • Wish I could afford it November 6th, 2009 | 10:24am

    30 bucks for the general public? Give me a break. I’d love to catch this show, but the price is absurd.

  • Emily Rugburn November 7th, 2009 | 8:50pm

    A Derek Trucks Band show is priceless….

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