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Parachute preps debut

by Vijith Assar

The major label debut album from big-time-bracing local boys Parachute, who have already removed flaws from their band name twice thus far, will drop (har har) on May 12. Of particular note: two versions of the single “She Is Love,” which recently appeared in a Nivea commercial.

  • DF April 11th, 2009 | 9:12am

    I guess name #3 is better than name #1. Not really sure.

  • Not a fan April 15th, 2009 | 2:05pm

    REALLY not a fan of this band. Don’t really see the talent in any of the musicians (except for Johnny Stubblefield and his dad’s drums) and no talent in the songwriting. Sounds like a whiney Jonas Brothers to me. Ohh and how quick they sell out as well: First Sparkys Flaw (which was their best name), then because Nivea didn’t want to feature a band with “flaw” in the name they changed to Parachute VA (horrible), now Parachute. . . I guess I should also state that I’m a little jealous. Why them? Why not me?

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