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The Extraordinaires

Random Row Books
March 8, 8:00pm

Screwball indie pop-rock heroes who, with each hybrid book/album or board game + CD release, momentarily manage to out-crazy even Gogol Bordello frontman Eugene Hutz, with whom they just wrapped up a tour.

The Extraordinaires - 2012 Overture [unmastered]
The Extraordinaires - Eloise [unmastered]
The Extraordinaires - Terzetto [unmastered]
The Extraordinaires - Hi-Five The Cactus
The Extraordinaires - Neighborhood Watch
The Extraordinaires - The Captain
The Extraordinaires - A Proud Salute
The Extraordinaires - The Chicken, the Egg, or the Song?
The Extraordinaires - The Confession Of Kyle Griever

And who knows, maybe they’ll bundle something unexpected into the ticket price here. (Other than openers The Raquellos and Borrowed Beams Of Light, that is.)

The Raquellos - The Grey Crew
The Raquellos - The Bitch That Is The Sea
Borrowed Beams Of Light - Kids Are Great!!!

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