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The Free Bridge Quintet

Old Cabell Hall
November 21, 8:00pm

Free Bridge Quintet

Set your Flux Capacitor for 1959 and take a trip with the UVA faculty performers as they focus on the legendary releases from that year, which included Miles’ Kind of Blue, Coltrane’s Giant Steps, Dave Brubeck’s Time Out, Ornette Coleman’s The Shape Of Jazz To Come, and Mingus’ Mingus Ah Um.

visit Old Cabell Hall online

  • twoforks November 10th, 2009 | 2:53pm

    Great concept; those truly defined the shape of jazz to come!
    John, congratulations on the CJS Annual Artist/Educator Award; you truly deserve it!

  • Bill November 16th, 2009 | 5:21pm

    John’s always teaching - not just in class, but in concert, in conversation, lessons in his studio, just by his personal example. A true HUMAN being.

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