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Tom House

Mono Loco
September 19, 10:00pm

Highly acclaimed Nashville singer-songwriter Tom House sings strong but otherwise fairly straightforward folk and alt-country tunes, except for when he’s making musical adaptations out of the works of William Faulkner.

Also featuring, as usual, a set from organizer Keith Morris and his Crooked Numbers.

Keith Morris - Candy Apples

Check out this recent live EP:
Keith Morris - Snowday [live]
Keith Morris - Billy Weir’s Dress [live]
Keith Morris - Baby Saves World [live]
Keith Morris - Waltzing [live]
Keith Morris - Candy Apples [March Rosetta remix]

Dedicated fans would also do well to inquire about the upcoming house show hosted by Tom Proutt (or — credit to Keith on this one — Tom’s Tom House House Concert).

visit Mono Loco online

  • Jen September 14th, 2009 | 11:31am

    This show is at Mono Loco, 10 pm

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