Snap: Last one on board

news-allaboardamtrak The last of Tuesday morning's 63 Charlottesville passengers prepares to climb aboard the Northeast Regional, the Amtrak train whose route was recently extended to Lynchburg from its prior southern terminus in Washington. The vehicle, which uses an electric engine between Washington and Boston, features a diesel engine and eight cars–- including a business class car, a caf©, and a "quiet car"–- for its state-subsidized travel in Virginia. (Last Friday, there were 81 passengers climbing aboard at "CVS," i.e. Charlottesville's Union Station.)

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Does anyone know if 81 passengers is a full train ? As much as I like trains, I doubt given the current state fiscal woes that this subsidy can be justified for long. Business people have told me that the 9am departure from Charlottesville is too late for those with work in Washington, Baltimore or points North. Unless this train leaves earlier and moves faster, I doubt if it will last for long.

81 more passengers Thursday the 22nd and 127 passengers today, Friday, October 23.--hawes spencer, editor