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Man writes xmas song for troops

by Hawes Spencer
published 8:31am Wednesday Dec 6, 2006
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Charlottesville stage artist John Carden has written a Christmas song with arrangements by M.E. Forbes for American troops and their families.

Carden, who during the day works at the hair salon he founded, hopes he can find a way to distribute it among the troops. “If you have any ideas,” he says, “let me know.”

Not convinced that Carden cares about the community? He once collared a burglary suspect by chasing him down on a Segway.

Check out the song, as performed by Carden and friends, by clicking the link below.


  • Kelly Downer December 7th, 2006 | 3:29 pm

    John Carden is so talented. His touching and timely song is beautiful! We should all appreciate the efforts our troops are putting forth in Iraq and around the world during this holiday season. John reminds us that many hearts long to be home with loved ones!!

  • CN December 7th, 2006 | 5:29 pm

    He does? I’m sure many people understand that even without his song. Besides, we should appreciate the troops’ efforts year-round. It’s a shame people use the holidays to get people to do nice/thoughtful/etc things. Why just donate food when it’s “the holidays?” Why not give to a charity (time or money) during “the holidays” AND other times of the year?

  • Brigitte Powell December 8th, 2006 | 1:38 pm

    Reply to “CN” Bah Humbug. Very righteous comment. Yeh who live in “glass houses” should refrain from “throwing rocks”.
    Nice job John Carden!

  • Ani December 12th, 2006 | 8:40 pm

    There are creative loving people on this earth who are giving of themselves on a daily basis, and sometimes they do a little more by reaching out even farther for special ocassions or reasons (like the holidays). It’s such a waste to “accuse” these givers of kindness, love and faith during holiday seasons as only “seasonal” givers - making statements about these people as only capitalising on the moment, the holiday, or the event. I choose to believe John Carden is a loving individual - a man of great faith - with a strong desire to do something right by a our servicemen…something came to him to do this. It’s his GIFT to these soldiers, their families and others. Pesimism is destroying us. Hatred is destroying us. John Carden has shined a light…extended a gift of song, freely. I embrace him, thank him, and wish the world were full of him. No judgement as to why he wrote this song. Just acceptance that it’s a gift from God.

  • Acselias December 24th, 2006 | 3:00 am

    JRCC *is* a gift from God, The Father….Just as this song is his gift to all of us and the troops. Having been in both Afganistan and Iraq many times as an intelligence advisor (Including the 1st Gulf War) and having just returned 2 weeks ago, I can tell you that you simply cannot imagine the insanity of the situation. What is captured on the news seems bad but really being there…..a whole different thing. To see some of these 18 y/o “kids” (and they are just that, kids) handle themselves in fierce combat is just so surreal. And yet many are hardened, battle-fatigued veterans by now, they keep doing what they are doing….and too often what they are doing is dying and getting maimed. Anyway to DL the song would help get it around. Thanks for this gift to everyone, John. I will take it back to Iraq with me in January with the Polemiko Naftiko.
    Best, Lord Acselias

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