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Charges tossed in supremacist’s trial

by Lisa Provence
(434) 295-8700 x235
published 6:01pm Wednesday Oct 3, 2007
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A federal judge dismissed two felony charges today against Kevin Strom, the founder of the Aryan-lovin’ National Vanguard, charged with enticing a 10-year-old girl to perform sexual acts and witness intimidation and obstruction.

Shortly after the prosecution rested its case around 11:30am on the second day of trial, defense attorney Fred Heblich, shown above having a celebratory lunch with co-counsel Andrea Harris, made a motion to dismiss the charges. “I can’t find a single enticement or direct communication between the defendant and the minor child that involved discussion about sex,” Heblich pointed out.

Assistant U.S. Attorney Bill Gould contended that Strom’s sending lilies and roses anonymously to the girl on her 11th birthday showed his sexual intent. Judge Norman Moon disagreed. “There must be more than preparation,” he said.

Much of the prosecution’s case hinged on the testimony of Strom’s wife, Elisha, right, who came home unexpectedly and found him naked, aroused and staring at pictures of young white nationalist-movement singers the couple both knew, superimposed onto nude lesbian bodies.

“She caught him masturbating, but that’s not a crime so far,” said Moon. Nor did Moon see the September 8, 2006, contract between Kevin and Elisha Strom in which he promised to seek counseling until he was cured of pedophilia as evidence of enticement or intimidation.

“I think the jury can find he was sexually attracted to this child,” said the judge. But that alone is not illegal. And when prosecutor Gould reminded Moon of Strom driving past the girl’s house, Moon replied, “That’s what these people do when they’re obsessed.”

The morning began with the continued testimony of the government’s star witness, Elisha Strom, 32, now brown-haired. Strom has been described as a fiery white supremacist in her own right by the Southern Poverty Law Center, which provided the photo above of Elisha taken at a National Alliance demonstration in November 2001 in front of the Israeli embassy in Washington.

Despite the bold background, it was a timid-sounding Elisha Strom, whose email address is [email protected], who told the jury how her husband had choked her when she caught him again looking at little-girl pix. With the telephone in her hand, she recounted that she bashed him in the head, and his parents took him to the hospital.

The only time the weepy Elisha smiled was when she was asked who had the worse temper. “Me,” she responded. And indeed, the jury also heard about her flinging eggs at her husband when he asked if his three children by another mother could visit for the 2002 Christmas holidays instead of just their regular summer visit. She also testified she’d met with Kevin and his parents because she wanted him to give up custody of his children, who live in Minnesota.

At times, the testimony sounded like a bad divorce. What the prosecution characterized as intimidation by legal filings, the defense said were Strom’s attempts to get his property back after he moved out of the couple’s home July 14, 2006. Elisha Strom acknowledged she changed the locks, had a rummage sale in September and a bonfire into which went Strom’s National Vanguard materials and an antique spinning wheel.

“The filing of these suits is something the defendant is constitutionally entitled to do,” opined Moon.

The trial of the nationally known and controversial Strom, who was the ideological disciple to William Pierce, the man who wrote the book that reportedly inspired homegrown terrorist Timothy McVeigh, drew friends and foes from the radical right. American National Socialist Workers Party founder Bill White was there, eager to see Strom go down, according to his website.

“I think Kevin Strom is a fine man,” said John Justice, who travelled from Tennessee to Charlottesville to attend the trial. Justice, a Strom friend since 1994, said they were both close friends of Revilo Oliver, a professor of antiquities known as a major white supremacist intellectual in Illinois. Oliver bequeathed his 4,000-volume library to Strom, which was destroyed in Elisha’s bonfire, according to Justice.

After the case was dismissed, Justice also solved the mystery of how Strom sent anonymous gifts to the little girl using the credit card of “J. Justice.” Justice said it was his card and that Strom was allowed to charge $100 a month.

“He had a miserable marriage,” said Justice. “He was so ashamed of being caught by his wife, she was able to force him to sign a quitclaim on his house.”

“We’re happy the charges were dismissed,” said Heblich. “We’re gratified the judge agreed the case wasn’t sufficient to go to the jury.”

Strom remains in custody and faces trial on five child porn charges in January.



  • 8Man October 3rd, 2007 | 8:52 pm

    “Revilo Oliver bequeathed his 4,000-volume library to Strom, which was destroyed in Elisha’s bonfire,..”

    ! THAT’s a real crime. She had no basis to do that. Same ‘logic’ that destroyed the Library of Alexandria.

  • STROMS A CHILD MOLESTER October 3rd, 2007 | 9:51 pm


  • Lord Sidious October 3rd, 2007 | 10:16 pm

    There is no coming back for this filth. We know what he did do and what he would like to have done. Hopefully, he will get binned in the next trial.
    From here on in, his name should be lower than mud with all REAL White men and women.
    How could anyone expect a positive outcome for their people from trash like this?

  • Ted Wansley October 4th, 2007 | 1:15 am

    At this time there is no evidence that Kevin committed a crime. We wait for his trial on possession of child pornography.

    Regardless of Kevin’s innocence or guilt, his wife should not have destroyed his library of Oliver’s works. Only an enemy of the White Nationalist movement would do so.

  • Dave Neesan October 4th, 2007 | 2:43 am

    The article states, “Revilo Oliver…bequeathed his 4,000-volume library to Strom, which was destroyed in Elisha’s bonfire”
    If true, this spiteful woman destroyed the life work of a great man (Oliver) and is attempting to send another great man, her husband Kevin Strom to prison.
    Indeed, hell hath no fury like a woman scorned.
    Elisha’s hateful destruction of Professor Oliver’s legacy as well as “Strom’s National Vanguard materials” certainly including irreplaceable historic items and papers of the late Dr. William Pierce is nothing less than a crime against humanity. Crimes against humanity have been severely punished in the past.
    While I do not condone, approve of or understand my friend Kevin Strom’s perverse fantasies, they remain FANTASIES: disgusting & repulsive, yes, but not illegal. Or should we say “THOUGHT CRIMES?” Double plus not good! (see George Orwell’s 1984)
    If anyone belongs on trial it is Elisha Strom.
    As far as Kevin is concerned, put him on trial before a true “jury of his peers”, i.e. White Patriots. We will not hold his political beliefs against him and will judge him fairly based on the evidence. More important, if this trial is truly about justice rather than silencing a great man and a great teacher, should he be guilty of a crime, a mixed race, politically correct jury would sentence him to jail. White Nationalist Patriots would sentence him to much worse.

  • Cathy October 4th, 2007 | 8:49 am

    There are more whack jobs in Charlottesville than I thought. Makes me miss Brooklyn more than ever. What’s up with the white supremacy thing? I don’t know if I’m more nauseated about these replies than I am about Kevin Strom. I guess misogyny and racism thrive in this community. I’m just sick!

  • D October 4th, 2007 | 12:15 pm

    great articles, but what a pervert.

  • Mud Puddle October 4th, 2007 | 4:23 pm

    Ted, you’re wasting your time trying to reason here. People claim we have the best legal system in the world until a decision they disagree with is handed down by a judge or jury. I hope Strom kicks the state’s butt in the last remaining charge. It’s obvious why law enforcement decided to take him down. And it has nothing to do with any of the charges that have been lodged against him so far.

    Reminds me of the numerous false arrest charges lodged against a local and former deputy sheriff. Every false arrest charge was laughed out of court by various judges, and not one false arrest charge had anything to do with the real agenda of a few crooked corrupt cops vs the deputy sheriff.

  • Bret Ludwig October 5th, 2007 | 7:28 pm

    The destruction of the Oliver library was a thoroughly debased, loathsome act. Even if one hates Oliver’s beliefs, those books were not written by Oliver, but by hundreds or thousands of great thinkers, who might or might not have agreed with Oliver, and some were probably very rare or unique. Most were probably antiquarian in nature.

  • Steve Romer October 8th, 2007 | 12:00 pm

    I agree 100% with Dave Neesan’s assessment. Kevin Strom appears to have done nothing harmful per the proceedings thus far. the 2 potentially most harmful charges were dismissed. As Dave Neesan said, fantasies are not illegal. What president Clinton did with Monica Lewinsky in the white house was much worse. As far as I know Kevin Strom did not do anything. I hope the other remaining charges are thrown out too. Strom impressed me as a gentle man, genuinely caring and concerned, polite in the extreme, articulate.

    Kevin Strom wrote many things which touched my life forever — such as his “Roots of Civilization” essay. Sublime works of awesome intellect. There is a reason the scholar Revilo Oliver gave his library to Mr. Strom. Kevin Strom dedicated his life to making the world a better place for us all. I find it hard to believe that he would ever do anything harmful to anyones future. I don’t want to believe that. The dismissed charges are a hopeful sign I wont ever have to.

  • Hal Turner October 10th, 2007 | 2:29 am

    Im gay and Im a conman see Ive been Lying to my radio listners for months and look at all the money im making,just to surpport my family on for a month tax free.

  • Sandy Weaver October 10th, 2007 | 12:30 pm

    We need to protect our children from predators and this guy sounds like a predator to me. A ten year old should not excite a grown man….unless of course he is a pedofile. For anyong who thinks is ok, I hope you don’t have young children……or young siblings…..

  • Appius Claudius Priscus October 18th, 2007 | 5:16 pm

    One of the alleged “child porn” pictures on Strom’s computer, is a painting of sirens on Ulysses’ ship, which also appears on a recent Harvard alumni magazine cover. As Chief Justice Roberts is a graduate of both Harvard and Harvard Law, two copies of this alumni magazine, hence this picture, are on the Chief Justice’s bookshelf. Why isn’t the Chief Justice being prosecuted for possession of kiddie porn? Because Roberts works for the Jews and Strom doesn’t?

  • Brien James November 19th, 2007 | 10:38 am

    The Vinlanders Social Club will offer protection to Strom while he is in jail. We will only pimp him out to our own members. Everyone knows how we party!

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