White Christmas?
Write a letter to the editorIt’s beginning to look a lot like Christmas– and a white one at that! According to state climatologist Jerry Stenger, the latest forecast models show a “reasonable probability”– greater than the 50 percent recently called for– that at least some snow will fall on Christmas day. “It won’t accumulate very much,” says Stenger, “maybe half an inch to one inch,” and precipitation would likely be limited to Saturday, giving plows plenty of time to clear the streets in time for shoppers to get their day-after-Christmas deals. Festive!
“The oil, gas, and coal industries have spent over $2 billion lobbying Congress since 1999. These three industries combined spent a whopping $543 million on lobbying in 2009 and the first two quarters of 2010.”
So Gaslog, is your nickname “buzzkill?’ Dream of a White Christmas mon!
Hey Mr.Grinchlog, I hope you, and only you, lose your power Christmas Day. Merry Christmas everyone, and Happy New Year!!
We love taking the place of the brain cells that once lived in your pineal gland before you drank us in your water!
So, what does driftwoodlog’s post have to due with the topic ‘White Christmas’?
Anyway, the latest forecast is for ’significant’ snowfall on Christmas day according to the NBC29 noon broadcast. I guess we won’t know how much snow we’ll get until the storm has past.
Happy Christmas to all including hosebaglog!
I am not a buzzkill and please do not lecture me about white Christmases! In 1964 I worked at the N. Pole with a fine group of elves. When I was wrongly accused of Elf-impersonation and shunned by Santa, I began what was to become a decades-long crusade. With my comrades, including Yukon C. and Hermey I have fought the vicious rule of Sherrif A.B. Snowman for all these years.
BTW, note to dingleberry: “too” not “to”…
Oh oh. Gasbag is not only off topic but another grammar Nazi. So boring on threads, they are dreaded at the party.
@Jimi you wanna be dumb: be dumb. Don’t ask me to. What is this “party” you speke uv?
50% chance of a White Christmas
I like Hot Dogs! Do You?