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McCain visit to Paramount in question

by Lindsay Barnes

Despite previous media reports quoting date, time, location, and ticket prices, Sen. John McCain’s (R-AZ) visit to the Paramount Theater remains unconfirmed four days before Sunday, February 10, the date it was tentatively scheduled to occur. Normally, an appearance by a Republican presidential candidate in Charlottesville in February wouldn’t make much of a difference in the nominating process, but inconclusive results from yesterday’s 21-state “Super Tuesday” voting suddenly make the Commonwealth’s February 12 primary crucial.

Of the potential Paramount appearance, a McCain spokesperson told the Hook this morning, “Things are changing all the time, as we adjust to what happened last night, so I just can’t confirm it.”

Paramount spokesperson Kristen Gleason says she remains in the dark about whether McCain will make the lights come up on Sunday. “Your guess is as good as mine,” she says. “We thought for certain we would be able to say something this morning. We stand ready to help him, but there hasn’t been any word yet.”

Last night, McCain picked up primary wins in Arizona, California, Connecticut, Delaware, Illinois, Missouri, New Jersey, New York, and Oklahoma. News outlets estimate that brings his delegate total at this hour to anywhere from 516 to 613– enough to maintain his status as the GOP front-runner, but well short of making his nomination a foregone conclusion. In order to clinch the nomination, a candidate must win 1,191 delegates before the Republican National Convention in Minneapolis-St. Paul, which begins September 1.



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