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No media peeping in Staunton porn trial

by Lindsay Barnes

Judge Thomas Wood has denied a motion filed by the Staunton News Leader and NBC29 to allow cameras in his courtroom during the obscenity trial of Rick Krial, owner of adult video store After Hours Video and Tinsley Embrey, a store cashier. “The Commonwealth’s Attorney and all defense attorneys in the case object to the presence of cameras of any kind,” wrote Wood in a letter to the News Leader, and added that it’s his m.o. to disallow cameras when both sides object. Krial and Embrey’s trial begins June 17.

  • Sick Of The Local Rambos March 25th, 2008 | 2:28 pm

    I don’t think cameras will be needed. The commonwealth attorney will give very graphic depictions of what takes place day to day. Just ike he did when he described what the trial is all about in the first place. I was exposed to porn with his recent media comments alone.

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