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Curry in Transit

by Dave McNair
(434) 295-8700 x239
published 4:34pm Wednesday Apr 9, 2008
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The Transit Center on the Mall has a whole new aroma. Walk in now, and you’re confronted with the unmistakable smell of curry. Yes, it’s a beautifully designed building, a green award winner, but now that Just Curry owner Alex George has set up shop inside, the place is complete. In fact, we predict the man will own that place with his delicious Caribbean-style dishes. We had lunch there the other day, and it was a scrump-tilly-umptious affair in a lovely, light-filled space. Have you checked it out?

George says he’s planning to keep his Corner location behind Littlejohn’s, and even if the rumors of CVS taking over the building turn out to be true, he says he still wants to maintain a Corner location somewhere.

It’ll be two years this month that he’s been in Charlottesville, he says, and he appears to have found a home. For 12 years, he was a private chef, with a background in classical French cooking, but he says he burned out on cooking heavier, fancier foods.

“I grew up on curries in Guyana,” he says. “So I guess I’m getting back to my roots.”

We’re just glad he decided to plant them here. Oh, and you can check out the menu on his website.



  • Cletus April 10th, 2008 | 9:06 am

    Curry is hallowed. Good for you Alex! :)

  • Curry Lover April 10th, 2008 | 4:46 pm

    Unfortunately, the smell of curry will have to compete with the god-awful outgassing of paint/building material that still pervades the interior of the transit center. I love Alex’s food, but I can’t even step foot inside the transit center.

  • illville April 10th, 2008 | 8:36 pm

    C:\Program Files\CD to MP3 Freeware1 $.wma

  • Lynn April 11th, 2008 | 1:41 pm

    I’m proud of you…..

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