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Russia fast-tracks local man’s deportation

by Lindsay Barnes

Melinda Denisenko sits at her dining room table, from which her husband Gennady has been absent since the Department of Homeland Security detained him on April 30.

As of today, local man and Soviet defector Gennady Denisenko is closer than ever to being deported back to his native Russia. The Russian government has processed Denisenko’s travel documents with what his attorney calls “unusual speed.” Now there’s nothing keeping the Department of Homeland Security from deporting Denisenko from the country he’s called home since 1991.

“The Russian Embassy told me on Friday it would take a few months,” says attorney Mark Urbanski, “but then I got a call this morning from the detention facility where he is in Texas saying they expected to receive his travel documents from the Russian government tomorrow and that they expect to put him on a plane in about two weeks.”

The news has hit Denisenko’s wife Melinda particularly hard.

“I’ve cried so much today I don’t think I have any water left in me,” she says. “I am struck to the core with fear.”

As the Hook reports in this week’s cover story, Denisenko came to America 17 years ago, having already served five years in a Siberian prison camp after writing several promotional materials calling for democracy and the overthrow of communism in the Soviet Union. Since defecting, Denisenko has applied repeatedly for legal status beyond a temporary work visa, both as a candidate for political asylum and as the legally wedded spouse of Melinda, a U.S. citizen. The UVA Russian-doctoral candidate and UVA hospital interpreter has been denied political asylum multiple times, and has yet to get acknowledgment of his nearly seven-year marriage from Citizenship and Immigration Services.

So why has the Russian government suddenly expedited a case which only days ago was to take months to complete? Nobody at the Russian Embassy was available for comment at the time of this post, but Urbanski has suspicions.

“It could be that they have a real interest in getting him back to Russia, as Gennady has always claimed,” says Urbanski. “The more likely explanation is that they have gotten an indication of the press this is getting and this is becoming a hot potato because it highlights the problems that Russia is having with human rights issues.”

There does, however, appear to be a glimmer of hope for Denisenko. The chief counsel for the CIS in Florida (where Denisenko was living until 2001) informed Urbanski today that the federal government is preparing to decide whether to re-open Denisenko’s case for political asylum, possibly as early as Monday. Urbanski is cautiously optimistic at the government’s newfound interest in the case.

“Giving it immediate attention is not something they’re required to do,” he says, “but, ultimately, the indicator will be whether they join our motion to re-open the case.”

At this hour, Melinda is asking people wanting to help her husband to do they only thing that she can do.

“Pray,” she says. “Even if you’re not praying people, pray. We’ve worked too long and too hard.”

  • Pewtin September 25th, 2008 | 5:58 pm

    I thought the Cold War was over with the USSR crushed by its own people, but Putin obviously didn’t get the memo.

  • Cville Eye September 25th, 2008 | 7:12 pm

    Do we know for certain why he was imprisoned?

  • FastChick September 25th, 2008 | 7:54 pm

    It is a well known fact that if you are here on a greencard (ie resident alien) or any other type of visa, that committing any crime will result in your expulsion. If you read the article, this gentleman tried to get his driving license reinstated using a forged document. Goodbye.

  • Cville Eye September 25th, 2008 | 11:05 pm

    Good point, however, I was referring to his imprisonment in Russia.

  • lindsay September 26th, 2008 | 11:15 am

    Dear Cville Eye,

    Thanks for the question. Since I wasn’t able to talk to Mr. Denisenko personally, and his first wife only met him after getting out of the gulag, what made the Soviets imprison him in the first place is a little vague. Officially, he was charged with taking bribes in his capacity as an assistant D.A., but both his first and second wife tell me that the real reasons for his imprisonment were political.

    Specifically Mr. Denisenko reportedly a) wrote several pro-democracy, anti-communist pieces that came to the Soviet government’s attention, and b) had an association with another attorney who had done work for Natan Sharansky, a prominent dissident writer who would go on serve in elected office in Israel and earn the Presidential Medal of Freedom in 2006.

    You can find out more in this week’s cover story (http://readthehook.com/stories/2008/09/25/COVER-Denisenko-C.aspx).

    Thanks for reading!

    Lindsay Barnes

  • Family Guy September 26th, 2008 | 2:36 pm

    Prayer sent.

  • music lover 2.0 September 26th, 2008 | 4:03 pm

    i think they should just keep him around, you know. Guy like that can make big money on wall street!!!

  • Adam September 26th, 2008 | 7:09 pm

    It appears to me that Mr. Denisenko’s troubles with immigration began well before the incident involving the forged work permit. This issue is 100% irrelevant in my mind. If CIS had done its job and recognized the marriage to an American citizen back in 2002, this never would have been an issue. I’m certainly not trying to justify any kind of transgression of the law, but it seems that the difficulties that INS had already been causing Mr. Denisenko (denied work permits, etc.) were what drove him and his wife to consider something they shouldn’t have.

  • Dave C. September 26th, 2008 | 10:14 pm

    I wish they would deport all the Mexicans to Russia instead of back to Mexico. Russia is farther, too far to swim back.

  • Russian trains September 27th, 2008 | 2:00 pm

    Sounds to me that the guy is pursuing his agenda and tries to make it look like he is being persecuted in order to overcome couple problems that he is facing here.

  • professor 2+2 September 27th, 2008 | 6:08 pm

    Hopefully Obama will get the same people who were so efficent with this case to run universal healthcare….

    Government workers, can’t live with em. cant fire em…


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