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Could slimmer ‘Y’ save McIntire softball?

by Stephanie Garcia

published 8:18pm Monday Oct 6, 2008
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The proposed McIntire Park master plan situates the Piedmont Virginia YMCA in the park’s swale currently housing the Lion Club’s picnic shelters.

In the run-up to this week’s impending confrontation between ousted softball players and government officials at the County Board of Supervisors, information revealed at a meeting last week suggests a chance for McIntire Park to avoid the expected softball exile that’s put players into a recent uproar. It all depends on the footprint of the Y.

“The YMCA is not building at the size they anticipated because they are not partnering with UVA,” says Charlottesville Parks & Recreation Director Mike Svetz. “The [Park's] master plan adopted was based on the footprint of the YMCA, which drives everything else, including site improvements.”

The Y has already received a $1/year, 40-year-lease on a 5.2-acre site and financial commitments for more than $3 million from local governments, but it would need to spend $1.5 million on site improvements, Svetz says, “beyond building the building.”

“It’s in their financial interest to save the existing road and parking lot,” Svetz says. “Then we have to do an update of the master plan.”

While Y talk dominated the two-hour conversation, Svetz tried to tout the planned lighting of Darden Towe’s three softball fields in addition to the already-budgeted $150,000 City plan to light the girl’s softball field at Charlottesville High School and news that the City would renews and augment its agreement for softball league field time at Piedmont Virginia Community College.

“If you take fields away, they’ll be gone forever,” says unswayed softball player Steve Cooper. “I guarantee you that in twenty years, when there are more softball players, you’ll be wishing you still had these two damn fields at McIntire.”

This was a softball organizational meeting hosted by Svetz— alongside assistant Parks director Brian Daley and athletic supervisor and head of the adult softball league, Bernie Garrison.

“Is it your desire to play softball or to play softball at McIntire?” Svetz asked the congregation, to great indignation.

“You guys never thought about softball,” said Bob Fenwick of the Save McIntire campaign. “I expect you to start being on our side, start talking about softball.”

“We have to be advocates for everyone who plays sports,” Daly shot back. “We’re responsible for needs and demands across the community.”

As at a recent meeting convened by Albemarle County supervisor Ken Boyd, the meeting concluded with all parties unsatisfied. After brandishing a stack of petitions at Svetz, Fenwick left before the talk had died down, while Cooper continued to ask for more transparency as the Y moved forward in the design and construction of its building.

“The Y is getting hit pretty hard, and they should not be connected with this at all,” Svetz said after the meeting. “As for Towe, this accelerates the conversation about lighting, but it’s a conversation that would have been had in the future nonetheless.”



  • Cville Eye October 6th, 2008 | 11:02 pm

    “The [Park's] master plan adopted was based on the footprint of the YMCA, which drives everything else, including site improvements.” Is Charlottesville being driven by special interests groups because our leaders are at a loss at how to govern? This is a case where clearly the public does not come first.
    “We have to be advocates for everyone who plays sports,” Daly shot back. “We’re responsible for needs and demands across the community.” This statement is totally incompatible with the first one stating that the YMCA is driving the show. Could we do worse if we let the Y run RWSA?

  • Music Lover October 7th, 2008 | 8:24 am

    “The Y is getting hit pretty hard, and they should not be connected with this at all” - that’s gotta be one of the most ignorant statements uttered in this whole mess. The Y gets a super duper sweetheart deal from the City - let’s not even touch on the issue of the City basically providing a grant of public resources to a religious organization - and Svetz thinks they Y isn’t connected with this at all? The Y is the ROOT of this issue - the Y and the city’s gift to the Y. You can’t discuss this issue without the Y.

    Oh the bright side, Svetz has shown that he’s going to make a great City Councilor some day. He’s already mastered the art of talking without saying anything of relevance. How in the name of God do these people obtain positions of decision-making in public government???

  • Softball Lvr October 7th, 2008 | 9:15 am

    Music Lover said it perfectly

  • stickler October 7th, 2008 | 2:37 pm

    we already have to play 9pm games because there aren’t enough fields (as it is) to accomodate reasonable playing hours. I can’t stand the 9pm games because they last until past 10 and I’m wiped out for work the next day. They will have to cut back on teams if they don’t keep these fields. It’s bad enough now.

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