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Progress parent keeps sinking

by Hawes Spencer
letter Write a letter to the editor

Just three years ago, Media General was a $69 stock, but after a steady dive, including a 22 percent drop today, the Richmond-based parent company of the Daily Progress trades for just a $1.50 per share, a monumental fall, even in the beleaguered world of daily newspapers.

letter Write a letter to the editor

  • charlie bob December 2nd, 2008 | 9:51 pm

    Amazing commentary from a newspaper that lost a ton of money through its first several years, which is an amazing accomplishment during the exceptionally good economic times around your launch. Is being mean spirited and unnaturally focused on the competition the way to serve the community? Probably not. Running an “alternative” weekly is not running a community newspaper. You don’t have to really be the paper of record. You just do what you want — it’s more of a vanity press than a true chronicler of the community. Get over yourself.

  • Media General Trading at $1.50 at cvillenews.com December 2nd, 2008 | 10:48 pm

    [...] The Hook points out that Media General’s stock has lost 98% of its value in the past three years. If it drops below $1/share for 30 days, they’re facing delisting from the NYSE. [...]

  • makemebarf December 3rd, 2008 | 9:27 pm

    Charlie Bob sounds like a Progress sympathizer (employee?) so I wonder if he would comment on how the DP was a “chronicler of the community” or a “paper of record” when the Publisher endorsed Goode, McCain, even *Gilmore* in the recent election. Is this “serv[ing] the community?” Seem way out of touch to me.

  • diagoliv December 4th, 2008 | 1:02 pm

    Yo bob, how would this be different if the Progress reported the death of C-Ville Weekly. It seems like a very real possiblilty that the Progress’s parent could go belly up. That is news.

    Really I have no idea why you have a problem this.

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