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Allegedly guessing student wins Honor trial

by Hawes Spencer
published 4:19pm Monday Feb 2, 2009
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A UVA student named Ronald Johnson, who accurately guessed— or so he claims– the first two or three questions to a multiple-choice environmental sciences class, has been acquitted in an open Honor trial, perhaps the first such trial since one this paper covered last July. The Cavalier Daily has the story.


  • Betty February 2nd, 2009 | 5:10 pm

    Not exactly slumdog millionaire, but apparently a good guesser

    from Cavalier Daily:

    Given Johnson’s tardiness, Blum said he had a 1.56 percent chance of correctly guessing all of the missed questions, noting that it would be “possible but not probable” for him to guess correctly the two or three questions he missed.

    The counsel for the accused, however, said a 98 percent chance of getting the questions incorrect is not the same as a 98 percent chance of cheating, adding that the “probability of cheating and the probability of guessing are not the same.”

  • Sick Of The Local Rambos February 2nd, 2009 | 7:10 pm

    Speaking of education and institutes of higher learning, did anybody see where the recently fired Chief of Police at VCU did not have a college degree from an officially accredited institution? Maybe if he gotten a real degree he would have known better than to solicit juveniles on the Internet for sex.

  • Reality Check February 2nd, 2009 | 8:03 pm

    So having a college degree prevents pedophilia? Great to know we have a cure for that now!

  • edgar allen hoe February 3rd, 2009 | 1:52 pm

    so he guessed multiple choice…did he read the questions? If he did it was an educated guess.. which is a whole lot different.. if he didn’t then he got lucky…

    too bad he didn’t have cleavage,he could have just jiggled his way out of the whole thing…

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