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Compromise smoking ban passes

by Lisa Provence
(434) 295-8700 x235
published 4:08pm Thursday Feb 19, 2009
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Smoke ‘em if you’ve got ‘em, because after December 1, that won’t be happening in most of the restaurants and bars that still allow smoking in Virginia. The General Assembly passed today the ban that Governor Tim Kaine has sought since he was took office in 2005. Lighting up will be allowed in private clubs and restaurants with a separately ventilated room.



  • KiKi February 19th, 2009 | 8:30 pm

    Haha haha ha! You people kill me we live in the land of the free; but you always trying to tell us what to do.

  • Mike Wiszowski February 23rd, 2009 | 5:28 pm

    Exactly, this is the land of the free. In this case, more people would prefer smokers do their thing outside rather then inside compromising everyone’s health whether they like it or not.

    Seeing as how this prop. was introduced to our States ELECTED representatives (Dems and Reps., Senate and House of Delegates) by our ELECTED governor then approved by votes, it’s pretty hard to agree with your accusations.

    But on the other hand, they are always telling us what to do huh? Like telling us we can’t drink ourselves retarded then take a quick cruise to enjoy some tunes and cool wind to the face. Or making sex offenders register in their communities as one, allowing everyone to keep away from them… madness and tyranny. Who will deliver us from such oppression?

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