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Ivy Landfill a ‘magic mountain’

by Hawes Spencer
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An itinerant blogger, who accidentally fell in love with landfills eight years ago in San Francisco, has discovered the Ivy Landfill and pronounced it “magic.” Marijke Rijsberman also lauds what officials now call the Materials Utilization Center for its “350 acres of wholesomeness, optimism, and can-do spirit.” Take her tour.

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  • Rate Payer March 5th, 2009 | 7:47 am

    Very well done Marijke! The landfill is also a great place to see birds — even a seagull

  • Music Lover March 5th, 2009 | 6:01 pm

    Maybe someday Ivy Landfill can become an attraction, like Mt. Trashmore!

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