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Local pandas transported (upward, specifically)

by Vijith Assar

published 2:38pm Thursday Feb 5, 2009

Heads up, TV junkies: a song by semi-local (one member is local, the other is from France) electronic pop duo Panda Transport will be among the featured music on the episode of the medical drama Grey’s Anatomy airing tonight at 8pm on ABC.

Central Virginia-based singer Kathy Compton, who started the band with long-distance collaborator Thierry Holweck, says they were contacted on January 21 through MySpace on behalf of Chop Shop, the company run by music supervisor Alexandra Patsavas, and told they were being considered for a slot on the wildly popular show. Confirmation came yesterday.

“We don’t know how we were discovered,” says Compton, “The fact that they contacted us through MySpace leaves me to believe that there’s someone constantly looking for independent music.”

It’s a pretty cushy spot to be in: the song is slated for nearly three minutes of exposure, and in addition to the significant financial compensation involved, which likely will include royalties from syndicated broadcasts of the show in the future, Patsavas is something of a powerhouse in Hollywood. In the past (more)

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