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Snap o’ the Day: Chilling in Sugar Hollow

by Hawes Spencer
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news-sugarhollowswimmers-medThe north fork of the Moormans River in Shenandoah National Park provided a cool way to deal with the weekend’s blistering temps, which reached 91 Saturday and 89 Sunday, the day this image was captured. Temps will remain hot until Wednesday.

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  • Ann April 27th, 2009 | 1:12 pm

    Bet this was cool. Is this spot public property ? Thought the Moorman’s was private unless you have a trout fishing license.

  • Mike Wiszowski April 27th, 2009 | 1:50 pm

    I love me some Sugar Hollow.

  • ead April 29th, 2009 | 12:13 pm


    This spot is in Shenandoah National Park. If you proceed past the “reservoir” at Sugar Hollow, you will be able to access a trail that leads to this VERY popular swimmimg hole on the North Fork of the Moormans River.

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