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Payne Ross wins 5 Emmas

by Hawes Spencer
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news-emmas-susanpayne“You’re like the Yankees– before all the steroids,” exclaimed emcee Erik Murphy of Hot 101.9 radio after Payne Ross & Associates won its fourth Emma Award Monday night. The downtown Charlottesville-based firm went on to win a fifth prize out of just eight categories in the American Marketing Association’s annual awards banquet held May 11 at the X Lounge. A gold-skinned woman, who gave her name only as “Emma,” shown here with ad agency co-founder Susan Payne, presented the prizes. (Bonus photo of all winners.)

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  • I'm Just Saying May 11th, 2009 | 8:50 pm

    Could you please have a human being check your “related content?” Is this too much to ask? Is it a lack of staffing? It detracts from the topic at hand when your contentbot links to stories that have nothing to with the post. And it makes an otherwise fantastic site seem silly. The “smiling car killer” has nothing to do with the smiling winners of Payne Ross.

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