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From the archives: What’s in your winter survival kit?

by Dave McNair
published 1:19pm Thursday Feb 4, 2010
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Mike Jarrell of Martin Hardware and Ronnie Kite of Meadowbrook Hardware have given Hook readers advise about winter preparedness in the past. With the approaching storm, we felt it was time to dust them off.


  • Gasbag Self Ordained Expert February 4th, 2010 | 1:32 pm

    It’s quite simple. My survival pack is large screen LCD TVs, DVD players, plenty of DVDs from the last 15 years, food, beverage and a gas fireplace. Even if the power goes off, the fireplace will still put out 26,000 btu of heat. It may not keep the entire house hot, upstairs and downstairs, but it sure is nice when the heat pump w/gas backup goes off due to loss of electricity. And in the den when the gas fireplace is located, you can usually bank on 80 degrees to 90 degrees easily.

    As a backup I keep all my vehicles full of gas, filled them all up last night. One vehicle holds 44 gallons, and could easily serve as a heated bunker for 8 to 10 people if all else fails.

    Oh yeah…. and a small ladder and broom. I have to sweep off the satellite dish if and when any snow accumulates on it. It only takes a small accumulation to block the satellite signal.

  • Buffalo Girl February 4th, 2010 | 1:34 pm

    Don’t forget your drugs.

  • discoduck February 4th, 2010 | 1:37 pm

    1 or 2 redheads and a blonde. Brunette if nothing else available and close to closing time.

  • Gasbag Self Ordained Expert February 4th, 2010 | 2:05 pm

    Buffalo Girl, extremely good advice! Our elderly seniors (and others) who have to use medications on a daily basis certainly want to make sure they have enough on hand to last 3 or 4 days!

    And discoduck, if all else fails, you can find some good advice here….


  • Marijuana Man February 4th, 2010 | 2:49 pm

    don’t forget about the black market drugs as well!!

  • Gasbag Self Ordained Expert February 4th, 2010 | 4:28 pm

    Marijuana Man, based on the user name of your choice, do you mean illegal drugs or “black market” drugs? There is a difference. Marijuana, cocaine, heroin, etc… they are illegal drugs. Prescriptions drugs mailed into the USA are considered “black market” drugs.

  • Marijuana Man February 4th, 2010 | 4:36 pm

    I really just meant Marijuana…. but since you reminded me of the illegal prescription drug trade I guess I should of just said illegal substances.

    Question, seeing as how you’ve had extensive experience in LE, what are your thoughts on the marijuana culture and the effect it has on our local community?

  • Gasbag Self Ordained Expert February 4th, 2010 | 4:56 pm

    I have no opinion on marijuana one way or the other. Over two decades of my experience did not involves drug enforcement in any way, shape or form.

    The other years, I didn’t wet my pants out of excitement over seeing or finding very small amounts of marijuana in anybody’s car or pockets.

    I would rather find a kid hiding a marijuana cigarette in his hatband than to find a case of beer and a fifth of bourbon in the back seat.

    How does it affect the community? The desire to purchase marijuana, and the need to have the money for said purchases, could be why this city is being busted wide open now in the larceny classification. I’ve never seen so many petty thefts, vehicle breakins and larceny in my life. The year 2010 could set a new record for this area. 2009 has probably already set a new record.

  • Marijuana Man February 4th, 2010 | 5:16 pm

    more reason why it should be decriminalized, no?

  • Marijuana Man February 4th, 2010 | 5:29 pm

    oh and another thing, in my experience with the Marijuana trade industry I have never witnessed nor heard of any act of violence or burglary in order to obtain funds to support a marijuana habit. on the other hand, I’ve grown numb from hearing about all the crime that is caused by the demand of cocaine and prescription drugs.

    I take what I said about Marijuana back, about not hearing about crimes commited in relation to marijuana. I have heard of people being ripped off, robbed, and even beaten due to diputes involving marijuana but most of the time the culprits also promote the cocaine and illegaly obtained prescription drug markets.

  • Dakota February 5th, 2010 | 8:56 am


    The same government that has a war on marijuana at one time, though later denied made public messages to grow “HEMP for victory ” . thanks to Jack Herer who found the footage in the library of congress it is available to see today .

    The war on marijuana is a threat to big pharmasuticals making them the second biggest group against decriminalization next to the us government ( how do we tax it ? ) . People growing their own medicine … NO WAY , can’t have that .

    Number of death’s in the US per year as a direct result of the use of marijuana “0″ , tobacco 435,000 , poor diet 365,000 and alcohol 85,000 . makes perfect sense marijuana is illegal, NOT

    We could grow this country out of dept and off foreign oil with the HEMP plant ALONE !

    George Washington was a POT farmer !

    The war on marijuana is a complete failure in every aspect of the word .



  • harry February 5th, 2010 | 2:01 pm


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