New group brings ex-CIA boss to unite green biz
Write a letter to the editorWorkers of the green world, unite!
A new chapter of a national group hopes to bring together the various and at times cacophonous-sounding green businesses of Central Virginia, and it’s bringing a former CIA director to its launch event this week at the Jefferson Theater.
James Woolsey, who has recently become something of an exponent of the need for energy security will speak on the topic, “Could Muir, Patton, and Gandhi agree on a program?”
The group is called the Clean Economy Network, and the local chapter co-chair, Amos Gilkey, says that Woolsey is a natural choice for his group which plans “a coordinated and business oriented approach” to the green economy.
The kickoff event happens 6 to 8pm on Thursday, September 9 at the Jefferson Theater.
–Note: As a commenter points out, the initial draft of this story omitted the name of the group. Also, we first gave Gilkey the wrong title; he’s co-chair, not president of the local chapter of the Clean Economy Network.
What’s the name of the group? I didn’t see it in the article.