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Photos of Jeff Tweedy at the Paramount

by Hawes Spencer
(434) 295-8700 x230
published 6:36am Monday Dec 13, 2010
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tweedy_td_3Tweedy at the Paramount.

He played on the 30th anniversary of John Lennon’s death and appropriately performed Lennon’s “God” as the final song of the evening.




  • Col. Forbin December 13th, 2010 | 8:39 am


  • JoMomma December 14th, 2010 | 7:58 pm

    should have ended it with “Dreamer in My Dreams” no PA and he rocked with his Jumbo Gibson

    rather than stop there, he instead brought out the most boring band in the nation to back him up–the autumn defense and they played “California Stars” which normally is a great song, the Defense somehow managed to make it lame…and don’t get me going on the Lennon song

  • the dream is over December 14th, 2010 | 10:18 pm

    Interesting to hear him sing, “Don’t believe in Zimmerman.” Maybe even more interesting or poignant than hearing Lennon sing that.

    @ JoMomma. Haters can stay home. Most of us were actually stoked to see half of Wilco on stage. And we won’t get you started on Lennon, because we don’t care.

  • JoMomma December 16th, 2010 | 4:56 pm

    @the dreamer… “most of us” really? did you take a straw poll? Or are you just that arrogant/out of touch to think that your opinion is the popular one…Sorry you can’t see things objectively, you’re obviously one of the “fans” that just latched on when Rolling Stone told you to do so (when YHF was released) To further illustrate my point about the “Innocuous Defense” I have a question for you What solo acoustic performer would invite a full band to open up for him/her UNLESS they knew just how anemic they were going to be? Tweedy with harmonica and classical guitar had a fuller sound, the AD=the sound of paint drying

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