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The Extraordinaires

iS Venue
June 19, 8:30pm

The not-at-all-incorrectly-monikered Extraordinaires may be based in Philadelphia at this point, but since three of the dudes grew up in Charlottesville, we get to share in the festivities surrounding the release of their new “album” Electric and Benevolent.

The Extraordinaires - 2012 Overture [unmastered]
The Extraordinaires - Eloise [unmastered]
The Extraordinaires - Terzetto [unmastered]

Quotation marks? Why, that’s because just like their last few albums, this new one comes with the best packaging ever: a hardcover book, this time telling the story of a brilliant inventor around the turn of the 20th century.

The Extraordinaires - Hi-Five The Cactus
The Extraordinaires - Neighborhood Watch
The Extraordinaires - The Captain
The Extraordinaires - A Proud Salute

Well, then there was that came bundled with a board game. Still, you get the idea.

The Extraordinaires - The Chicken, the Egg, or the Song?
The Extraordinaires - The Confession Of Kyle Griever

Local rock wunderkind Adam Smith and alt-country figurehead Sarah White open, making this a seriously powerhouse lineup.

Adam Smith and the Invisible Hand - There’s Room In My Will

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