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iS Venue
May 7, 8:00pm

Singer Blake Christiana’s Brooklyn-based band Yarn weaves together alt-country and Yankee bluegrass, and on the last record rounded up an all-star cast including Casey Dreissen of the Sparrow Quartet, Caitlin Cary of Whiskeytown, and banjo virtuoso Tony Trischka.

Yarn - Bad Bad Man
Yarn - Don’t Break My Heart
Yarn - I’m Down
Yarn - Ain’t That A Sin
Yarn - Empty Pockets

Guitar and harp player Ali Marcus started her musical career in Charlottesville and then moved to Seattle, much like another certain someone. She hasn’t totally left us behind, though: The Great Migration, her brand new sixth album (and her fourth in as many years), includes a song called “Virginia Road” which she says was written in and about Charlottesville.

Ali Marcus - Bare Feet Clean
Ali Marcus - Hangin’ On A Wire
Ali Marcus - Sad Day For Romance
Ali Marcus - The Other Side

Also featuring local acoustic folk champs The Honey Dewdrops.

The Honey Dewdrops - Nowhere To Stand
The Honey Dewdrops - Fly Away Free

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