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4th Street mall crossing coming?

by Lisa Provence
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A City Hall email indicates that City staff recommends opening 4th Street for vehicles to cross the Downtown Mall. After city planners initially opposed a mall crossing and the Planning Commission voted it down in January, City Council instructed staff to come up with a plan, and the plan is to have 4th Street south of Water Street one-way in the opposite direction of the Mall to prevent cut-through traffic. Council votes April 3, presumably for a one-year trial run.

  • outskirts » Downtown streets March 10th, 2006 | 12:58 pm

    [...] Without a doubt the most debated street on the downtown mall (in the past 20 years) may get opened up. Or at least that is the lastest rumor. We’ll see if it actually happens. It was estimated this would almost cost $1 million to open this one block, which seems odd, since trucks already use it for delivery. [...]

  • Steve March 10th, 2006 | 1:42 pm

    For a million dollars they should be able to return the mall to it’s original pavement, parking places and sidewalks. I vote for this. /Steve

4th Street mall crossing coming?

by Lisa Provence
letter Write a letter to the editor

A City Hall email indicates that City staff recommends opening 4th Street for vehicles to cross the Downtown Mall. After city planners initially opposed a mall crossing and the Planning Commission voted it down in January, City Council instructed staff to come up with a plan, and the plan is to have 4th Street south of Water Street one-way in the opposite direction of the Mall to prevent cut-through traffic. Council votes April 3, presumably for a one-year trial run.

  • outskirts » Downtown streets March 10th, 2006 | 12:58 pm

    [...] Without a doubt the most debated street on the downtown mall (in the past 20 years) may get opened up. Or at least that is the lastest rumor. We’ll see if it actually happens. It was estimated this would almost cost $1 million to open this one block, which seems odd, since trucks already use it for delivery. [...]

  • Steve March 10th, 2006 | 1:42 pm

    For a million dollars they should be able to return the mall to it’s original pavement, parking places and sidewalks. I vote for this. /Steve




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