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Gang alert: City hosts awareness seminar

by Dave McNair
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In the clearest sign yet that gangs have become a problem in Charlottesville, the city has announced its first Gang Awareness Community Seminar to be held on August 30 starting at 7pm in City Council chambers. Members of the Charlottesville and Albemarle County police departments, elected officials, school officials, and civic groups will be on hand to discuss how public education, awareness, and participation can play an important role in reducing gang-related violence in Charlottesville and Albemarle County.

Back in February 2006, when the moniker 6NO south side turned up on the free speech monument, it seemed hard to believe there was real gang activity in Charlottesville. However, as Charlottesville police detective Brian O’Donnell confirmed at the time, it was the name for the gang located in the 6th Street South East, Friendship Court area. Other local gangs, O’Donnell informed the Hook, inlcluded the PJC (project crud) in the 10th and Page Street area, and PSpect from the Prospect area.

At the time, Charlottesville was hosting its first Gang Identification and Prevention Forum, at which gang experts told a 100-plus crowd to stop denying that gang activity was taking place in our little town. Three months later, police confirmed the famous Bloods were recruiting in Charlottesville.


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  • Nev August 22nd, 2007 | 8:03 pm

    Charlottesville has but one gang. It is called the police.

  • Yet Another Moniker August 22nd, 2007 | 10:17 pm

    Yeah, until that “not an amnesty bill” passes. I mean the one that specifically grants amnesty to MS13 gang member felons. Go read it yourself. I don’t have the time.

  • Yet Another Moniker August 22nd, 2007 | 10:18 pm

    What about folks in the white t shirts? Everyone knows that’s a gang. Right?

  • Cville Eye August 24th, 2007 | 12:21 pm

    Somebody should do something about these brown and black people, Moniker. Perhaps you? Attend the forum and join in.




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